Tuesday, January 13, 2009

G_D Forgets!

I thought I'd take a minute and share my feelings with you about G_d. I find it fascinating, flabbergasting even what He is all about. I mean can we even wrap our tiny finite minds around who and what He truly is. COnsider this, The Maker of the heavens and earth and all created things, Almighty Ruler and King, the Lion and the Lamb, the Father and the Son cares enough about one person among 60 billion to think about and love me. Or even you. We are so insignificant in the world view, yet of all the 60 billion people on the planet, He still takes the "time" to hear our cries, listen to our laughter. And here's another thing that blows my mind. . .G_d is all knowing, all powerful and is everywhere at one time. . .and as amazing and uncomprehensible as that is, there is one thing He does that you would think a being of this magnitude would be incapable of. . .HE FORGETS!!! Doesn't that blow your mind?! HE FORGETS!!! When I come to Him and ask forgiveness for my sins HE FORGETS. "He's buried my sins in the depths of the sea of forgetfullness. . . As far as the east is from the west He's removed my transgressions from me!!" Yet, we're the ones who keep bringing it up. WE come back again and again and say, "G_d remember when I did. . .?" and he says, "What are you talking about! I remember no such thing!" And we do it to other people. . ."G_d you remember so & so and all the things they have done in their lives? (and we list them out) and once again, God says, "What are you talking about?" He's forgotten it. The saved prostitue, the saved drug abuser, the saved homosexual, the saved child pornographer (I stepped on some toes with a couple of those). . .He's forgotten it. It is covered. Now, does that mean they go and continue doing those things. . .Romans 6:1 says: Do we keep on sinning so that grace may abound? By no means!" Jesus told the woman at the well. . ."Go and sin no more". It is forgotten, We are forgiven, but stop doing it! Get good Christian support. Find someone you're accountable too. Keep praying. And most importantly of all, stop beating yourself over past sins that you've repented for and of which you have been forgiven!!!

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